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Harestanes West Windfarm

Harestanes West Windfarm Development Map


Located in the Forest Estate of Ae, South West Scotland within Dumfries and Galloway, the site lies to the West of the operational Harestanes Windfarm.

Current Stage

As part of the development process, ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) has submitted a request for Pre-Application and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping advice to the Scottish Governments Energy Consents Unit.  Copies of the submitted documentation can be found below in the 'Documents' section.

Project History

This project is a result of SPR’s partnership with Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS), where SPR have rights to investigate the feasibility of onshore renewables projects within the National Forest Estate in South West Scotland. The subject site is owned by FLS.

In July 2020 & March 2021 SPR installed two temporary Meteorological Masts in the South West of the proposed site. This has been used to gather data on wind conditions at the site.  SPR have also been undertaking a considerable number of surveys to establish environmental baseline data for the site.  This information has helped to inform the design and development of the proposed layout.

Community Consultation

SPR is keen that you can continue to find out more about the project and how it is progressing. In Autumn 2023 we will be hosting 2 further Public Information Days in the local area to provide the opportunity to ask any questions you may have or to make comment on the proposal. You can also contact the project team at any time via the project mailbox address noted in the "Contact" section below.


To date, ScottishPower Renewables has voluntarily awarded over £13 million in community benefit funding to Dumfries and Galloway communities through our existing projects, and over £55 million to communities in UK as a whole.

As a responsible developer of renewable energy, SPR is keen for the communities surrounding this project to benefit. SPR are working with Forestry and Land Scotland and is seeking local community groups to engage with to develop innovative community benefit options.

With established sites nearby, SPR has a history of working positively with communities within the region. SPR is keen to ensure employment and the business skills required to maximise economic benefits can be delivered locally to ensure those who live near our sites benefit as much as possible.


The Harestanes West Windfarm Project Team can be contacted directly by emailing:

Project Documents

Please click on the links below to view the Harestanes West Windfarm Scoping Report documents.


Harestanes West Windfarm

Early consultation is key to the way SPR develops projects, and throughout the development process SPR seek to ensure local communities and stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback and are kept informed of project progress.

We hosted a Public Information Event in June 2023 at Auldgirth Community Hall and Dalswinton Village Hall, welcoming local residents who came along to share their thoughts, provide feedback and better understand our vision for the development.

Consultation feedback combined with findings from environmental surveys and technical studies is vital in shaping the design of the proposed development ahead of submitting an application to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, which we anticipate being by spring 2024.

SPR will be hosting an additional Public Information Event in the local area in Autumn 2023. The Project Team can be contacted directly at any time via the details below.

ScottishPower Renewables’ History in Dumfries and Galloway

ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) has been a neighbour for many years, generating cleaner power and providing socio-economic benefits to local communities in Dumfries and Galloway. We own and operate Kilgallioch, Harestanes, Ewe Hill and Wether Hill windfarms in Dumfries and Galloway, and several others in the wider Ayrshire regions across the UK. Through our established presence in Dumfries and Galloway, we have to-date, contributed over £13.3 million in community benefit and committed in the region of £55 million to local communities across the operational lifetime of our windfarms. These funds contribute to a variety of groups and organisations to assist them in delivering local projects which they have identified as having benefit to those living, working or visiting the surrounding area.

About Project

SPR intend to apply to the Scottish Ministers for permission to construct and operate Harestanes West Windfarm in Dumfries and Galloway. The proposed Development is situated North-West of the village of Ae, approximately 1.3 km to the Site Boundary and approximately 13 km North of Dumfries. Harestanes West Windfarm is a result of SPR’s partnership with Forestry and Land Scotland, where SPR was awarded exclusive rights to investigate the feasibility of onshore renewable energy projects within the National Forest Estate in South West Scotland. Further information on renewable energy on the National Forest Estate is available at:

Design Layout and Infrastructure


Thirteen Wind turbines with a maximum height to blade tip of up to 220 metres.


Generating Capacity of around 78 megawatts (MW)


Generating enough electricity to supply electricity for the equivalent of around 52,574* homes

*BEIS: Sub-National Electricity and Gas Consumption Statistics, Dec 2022 (based on average UK household consumption of 3509kWh/yr)

A proposed turbine layout drawing can be seen below. The design layout has taken various aspects into consideration such as providing a 50m buffer from major watercourses, 10m from minor watercourses and avoidance of environmental designations.

Harestanes West Windfarm Development Map

Project Timeline

Feasability Study: June 2019Feasibility Study: June 2019 A feasibility study was undertaken prior to scoping to understand the constraints of the site and to determine whether it was a viable option for development.
Scoping: March 2023Scoping is the name given to the initial consultation which we undertook with stakeholders to identify key issues for us to consider when designing and environmentally assessing the proposed windfarm and provide information on the proposed assessments to be undertaken in the Environmental Impact Assessment. This was submitted to the Scottish Ministers at the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) in March 2023.
Environmental Impact Assessment: OngoingAn Environmental Impact Assessment is a formal part of the windfarm planning process, which involves undertaking environmental surveys of the proposed site by independent specialists to quantify and identify any significant environmental effects the windfarm may have; and to identify appropriate measures to eliminate, avoid, reduce or mitigate any potentially significant adverse effects.
Pre-application ConsultationTo ensure that we continue to engage with all interested parties we are conducting this public consultation to present the work completed to date and our proposed windfarm design in order to receive your feedback.
Environmental Impact Assessment ReportThe findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment will be documented in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report will be issued to the Scottish Government as part of our application for consent. When this document is finalised, copies will be available for viewing online and at locations in the vicinity of the proposed windfarm.
Submission of Application for Consent:We will submit an application to the Scottish Ministers for determination under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989.
Evaluation and Determination of ApplicationThe application will be administered by the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) on behalf of Scottish Ministers. There will be an opportunity at this stage for you to make formal representations on the application to the ECU. These will then be taken into account by Scottish Ministers when determining whether or not to grant consent for the proposed Development. Timescales for determination are variable and dependent upon case specific issues but typically take between 12 to 15 months.

Environmental Considerations

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Harestanes West Windfarm will assess the potential for effects from the following environmental topics:

  • Landscape and Visual; Desk based, and site visit surveys will be carried out to form the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA).
  • Noise; A range of noise surveys will be undertaken to identify any potential noise impacts from construction activities and general operations of the proposed windfarm.
  • Ecology; Ecological surveys such as bat surveys, fish monitoring and habitat surveys will be carried out to identify any protected species and suggest mitigation.
  • Archaeology and Cultural Heritage; An assessment of all archaeology and cultural heritage assets within the red line boundary and surrounding areas will be required.
  • Access, Traffic, and Transport; A Transport Assessment will be undertaken to identify a turbine delivery method. The assessment considers the optimal delivery route to the site, the predicted construction traffic impact and mitigation options.
  • Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Geology, and Soils; Phase 1 peat probing is one of a number of assessment techniques that will be undertaken regarding soil.
  • Other issues including Forestry and Land Use, Aviation and Radar, Telecommunications, Climate and Carbon Balance.

Next steps

Early consultation is key to the way SPR develops projects, and throughout the development process SPR seek to ensure local communities and stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback and are kept informed of project progress.
We hosted a Public Information Event in June 2023 at Auldgirth Community Hall and Dalswinton Village Hall, welcoming local residents who came along to share their thoughts, provide feedback and better understand our vision for the development.
Consultation feedback combined with findings from environmental surveys and technical studies is vital in shaping the design of the proposed development ahead of submitting an application to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, which we anticipate being by spring 2024.
SPR will be hosting an additional Public Information Event in the local area in Autumn 2023. The Project Team can be contacted directly at any time via the details below.”


Project email

Postal Address
FAO: Harestanes West Windfarm Project Team
ScottishPower Renewables
9th Floor ScottishPower Headquarters
320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5AD

If you have any Feedback you would like to share with us please see our Feedback Form.
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